The institution has a single programme in undergraduate level. It offers the B.A. General Degree programme of three years. The institution offers two languages, English and Marathi and six optional subjects Economics, Sociology, Political Science, English Literature and Marathi Literature. The three year Degree Course consists of two compulsory languages and three optional subjects (any three from the above).
The student who successfully completes the B.A. Degree Course can continue higher education that is a Post Graduate Degree course in any one of the subjects at U.G. level. A graduate is also eligible to appear for wide variety of competitive examinations such as exams in UPSC, MPSC, Banking, Railway and other services, Journalism, Law, Historical Research, Social Science Research etc.
The Course Outcome (CO)
A graduate in Arts and Social Science has a three years stint with at least two languages and three optional subjects.
He / she is proficient in understanding, analyzing advanced skills and knowledge in the subjects.
He / she is competent in effective communication, social interaction and critical thinking.
He / she is trained to follow specific value systems, ethics, morality and human values in life.
He / she is also encouraged to recognize and understand the need for lifelong learning, adopting new technology for change and local, regional and national issues related to their respective subjects.
01) English
02) Marathi
01) History
02) Sociology
03) Economics
04) Political Science
05) Marathi Literature
06) English Literature
Short Term Courses
Name of the Course
Course Co-ordinator
Personality Development and Communication Skills
Yoga and Mental Health
Fashion Designing
Creative Writing
Competitive Exam Guidance
Travels & Tourism
Prof. R.T.Pantavane
Prof. Anil Dani
Dr. Jyoti Kawathe
Dr. Girish Sapate